Medium milestones

Year #1 — Medium Milestones and One I Did Not Expect

And a thank you note!

Patricia Timmermans
4 min readNov 14, 2022


photo of a roller coaster uphill
Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

Year one has been an uphill climb, not an easy climb but it has been an enjoyable one.

First, getting 100 people to follow me, then the challenge of figuring out the stats, then not bothering to try; and on top of that, my ongoing niche-or no-niche dilemma.

But one major highlight that’s made my Medium life rewarding has been the sense of community I’ve found. It’s a smart and supportive place to be.

If I could offer a piece of advice to anyone starting out, it would be this:

You will find encouragement, and expertise to help you grow as a writer.

Do it at your own pace.

Don’t feel intimidated by writers who have been at it for years, every writer had a starting point. Set your own goals, work to achieve them, and mark your milestones – they will show you how far you’ve come.

First year achievements

1. Reaching 995 followers — so close to 1k !

I sincerely thank every single person who has followed my writing.



Patricia Timmermans

My guide dog and I visit schools to raise awareness for sight loss; the kids’ questions make great stories! Plus, I love books and writing book reviews. 🇨🇦