National Movie Night | 80s Movies| Fun

The Day My Kids Banned Me From the Theatre

I suspected it was something motherly I did

Patricia Timmermans
4 min readJun 14, 2024


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To this day I have a love/hate feeling for the movie that marked my banning from the theatre. Or, at least from going to the theatre with my kids, who were the ones doing the banning; they were ages 7 and 10.

It was hard enough to accept when they stopped letting me hug them in public but little did I know what lay ahead.

I could stay on one condition

If I wanted to stay for the show, not just drop them off and leave, I was free to sit somewhere else in the building.

They persuaded me a year earlier, to let them sit up front with their friends, without me.

What next, the car keys? But that’s a story of anxiety for another day.

Happier times at the movies

I have fond memories of me between my two cherubs, holding their little hands at the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987).

We also saw the My Little Pony premiere in ’86 together, where the children got promotional gift bags.



Patricia Timmermans

My guide dog and I visit schools to raise awareness for sight loss; the kids’ questions make great stories! Plus, I love books and writing book reviews. 🇨🇦