Patricia Timmermans
Patricia Timmermans
Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

Save to finish reading

65 stories

Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

100-word Drabbles by Patricia Timmermans

51 stories

AI Image of a black lab and a cat lying side by side, outside it seems to be night
Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

Challenges to do

46 stories

Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

Guide dog life

124 stories

AI image of three lab pups in class. The black lab is wearing a little collar and tie, the other two are resting their faces on the desk
An AI generated picture of a plate of bacon in the foreground and a black lab in the background lying on a carpet.
Picture of a black lab — this is Cooper
Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

Gardening in Canada

11 stories

photo of firepit herb garden and other potted flowers surrounding it
Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

Memoir Stories

39 stories

A pencil drawing of a hand in front of a field of dailies, a butterfly is landing on the hand. The word Butterfly in calligraphy lettering as the caption
A plane painted in light blue with the red “Air Canada” lettering on the side is parked at an airport tarmac.
Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

Inspired by…

2 stories

Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

BOOKS, book reviews and other things I need to say 📚

50 stories

picture of a woman shushing the person looking at the picture, through a slightly open door.
picture of the tracks at a train station
a person sitting in a hallway covering their face with a book
Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

Writing on Medium and more random topics

42 stories

picture of an old scroll
Picture of a large space telescope
Picture of an angry looking kitten
Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

My POEMS: loosely based on real life events

20 stories

Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

From the randomness of my mind

20 stories

photo of a shiny classic car
Author’s photo of crabapple tree in full bloom with pink blossoms
picture of a bown of potato soup topped with cheddar and bacon
Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

Conversations With a Lady Who is 90

11 stories

image of a rustic table set with toast marmalade and tea, bookshelves and large window in the backgound
photo of a basket of fresh lemons
Photo of a sitting room with antique chairs around a table
Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

Do I Believe in Ghosts?

3 stories

Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

How-to's for dogs and people

12 stories

Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

National Days and Holidays

6 stories

Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

Two Cats and a Dog

8 stories

Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

Cats Who Find Us

6 stories

DALL-E AI Depiction of a black cat on a nightstand
photo of little black cat Zoey
Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

About me - living with RP

14 stories

Photo of me and my guide dog Cooper
Photo of the ocean at sunset
Mandala drawing by the author
Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

Guide dogs Cooper and Italy discuss life

10 stories

picture of a laughing cat
Picture of two labs, one black one beige, Cooper and Italy
Patricia Timmermans

Patricia Timmermans

Friend of Medium

My guide dog and I visit schools to raise awareness for sight loss; the kids’ questions make great stories! Plus, I love books and writing book reviews. 🇨🇦