InThe Love of DogsbyPatricia TimmermansOne Little Black Cat Celebrates Being a Black CatA discussion among three pets – Zoey, Buddy and CooperOct 28, 202414Oct 28, 202414
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansThings Cats Will and Will Not AdmitToday the random word is loath, and include the phrase ‘thunderous sounds filled’Sep 12, 202426Sep 12, 202426
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansWho’s Smarter?A short story of two cats and a dogJul 13, 202417Jul 13, 202417
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansBuddy’s Piece of TriviaTodays random word is viaduct, in a 125-word drabbleSep 7, 20248Sep 7, 20248
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansSigned By The CatToday, the random word was Surprise, and the drabble must include a poem.Aug 30, 20247Aug 30, 20247
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansWhy Dogs Are Spiritual, and Cats Just Think They AreToday’s random word is Spiritual, and the last line was given in the prompt linked at the endAug 26, 202417Aug 26, 202417
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansCats Are SophisticatedIn their collective opinionAug 25, 202417Aug 25, 202417
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansThe Dog GuestThe random word was stick and the drabble is 150 wordsAug 24, 202412Aug 24, 202412
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansMy Birthday ToastTwo cats, a dog, and a ladyAug 6, 202412Aug 6, 202412
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansA Delicious New Dish or Lasagna?One cat’s opinionJul 30, 202411Jul 30, 202411
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansHe Met His MatchThe Conference GuestMay 21, 202410May 21, 202410
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansAlcohol-free Water for the Navigator, PleaseToday’s random word is alcohol, and the picture in the prompt at the end is the inspiration for the story.Aug 1, 202412Aug 1, 202412
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansA True MasterToday’s random word is historian, the story includes an original haikuJul 26, 202418Jul 26, 202418
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansThe Strangest Thing Happened in the Wee HoursToday the random word is wraith and the 100-word story is based on the picture in Nancy’s post linked at the end.Jul 25, 202415Jul 25, 202415
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansWas it Connie and Fred?The silliest story everJul 19, 202414Jul 19, 202414
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansBuddy Strikes a Deal With the DogA short story about Buddy the cat and guide dog CooperJul 9, 202412Jul 9, 202412
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansThe CrossroadsToday’s random word was desireJul 7, 202412Jul 7, 202412
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansTwo Cats and The Dog Discuss a Yoga MoveOr maybe that’s a stretchJul 3, 202415Jul 3, 202415
InFiction ShortsbyPatricia TimmermansTwo Cats and A BirdWith a cameo appearance by the dogJun 21, 202410Jun 21, 202410