A Dilemma | Need Feedback

Do We Tip When There’s Already a Delivery Charge?

Grocery delivery is the best time saver! But my dilemma is about tipping…

Patricia Timmermans
2 min readDec 19, 2023


One of my favorite ways to make life less stressful is having grocery delivery.

I do the cooking, so making a list and shopping are part of it, but there’s also finding time and wrestling with crowds and the weather.

You might be thinking, Why doesn’t Mr. Dale cook and shop?

He has threatened to start doing the cooking but I’m not ready for that yet.

Image by author in Bing Ai – this one made me laugh, and depicts him quite well – making a couple of pizzas at the same time

About shopping, we end up with too many chips and pizza pops, and there’s the jumbo packs of Skittles for just the two of us (sorry hun if you’re reading this). I still run across empty Skittles wrappers, so he’s not missing out.

I could take a taxi to the store, which I’ve done a few times.

But since getting grocery delivery, there are no more heavy sighs from taxi drivers about Cooper leaving dog hair in the car, not to mention taxis taking off without stopping when they see I have a guide dog. It happens…

The cost of a taxi to the store and back is more than the delivery charge, so it’s a win-win.

Back to the question...

My tipping dilemma

I shop and pay online in the app, and the delivery charge is added to the total, minimum effort on my part.

Then at the designated time, the delivery person brings my stuff to the door and sets everything inside.

He or she is always polite, and I’ve never had broken eggs or banged-up tomatoes.

But now, should I tip?

Do you guys tip?

Does he or she get the extra charge for delivery that I paid with the order?

Important note to grocery delivery men and women:

You need to know that I appreciate this service so much, it does indeed make my life less stressful.

Photo by insung yoon on Unsplas

Update: I wrote this last week and have since had groceries delivered, for which I did tip, but I still want to know if it’s expected.

If people don’t tip, does the delivery person feel bad?

Do you have such dilemmas or is it just me?

I appreciate your feedback, and thanks!



Patricia Timmermans

With my guide dog, Cooper, I volunteer at the CNIB and visit schools to raise awareness for sight loss. Dogs and kids’ questions make the best stories. 🇨🇦